Portrait of Lygeia Ricciardi

Engaging Patients Early: The “VDT Now” Twitter Pledge

Lygeia Ricciardi | September 19, 2012

Last week, ONC kicked off National Health IT Week with the Consumer HealthIT Summit, a celebration of progress in consumer engagement through health IT, and an opportunity to catalyze yet more action among stakeholders such as patients, providers, payers, IT developers, consumer advocacy organizations, and electronic health record (EHR) vendors in the near future.  A few highlights:

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Portrait of Silvia Inéz Salazar

How Electronic Health Records Make a Difference in My Health and Health Care

Silvia Inéz Salazar | September 18, 2012

Graduating from UCLA was an accomplishment for me and my family. My Mamá and I emigrated from El Salvador to Los Angeles when I was five years old. Not only did my Mamá raise me, but she helped me pay for college by working as a housekeeper for Marion Ross, the actress who played Mrs. Cunningham for the popular TV comedy Happy Days. Suddenly, during my junior year, I began having difficulties concentrating in class.

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Portrait of David Muntz

Health Information Exchange: From Standards to Practice

David Muntz | September 13, 2012

The recent release of the Stage 2 Meaningful Use final rule includes an important requirement: Health care providers should be able to exchange information electronically using his or her electronic health record (EHR). By 2014, a provider attesting to Meaningful Use Stage 2 should be able use their EHR to share an electronic copy of a care summary and relevant documentation with another provider, regardless of which vendor produced the EHR that either is using.

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Portrait of Dr. Farzad Mostashari

Now is the Time for Meaningful Use!

Dr. Farzad Mostashari | September 12, 2012

Recognizing the need to strike a balance between the urgency of modernizing our health care system and the pace of change that can be absorbed by providers and health IT vendors, CMS and ONC have implemented the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs in three stages, with each stage adding increased functionality and advanced concepts designed to improve patient care, enhance care coordination, and increase patient and family engagement. Released in July 2010,

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Portrait of Judy Murphy

Nurses, “Ask for YOUR e-Health Record!”

Judy Murphy | September 10, 2012

As the 2012 National Health IT Week begins, we’d like to call on the 3.2  million registered nurses across the nation and the important roles they serve everyday as caregivers, advocates, educators, and health consumers to take action in their own health.  In support of ONC’s Consumer e-Health Program, the Alliance for Nursing Informatics (ANI) and American Nurses Association (ANA) have been working with ONC to engage the nation’s nurses to help patients get more involved in their health and health care by asking them to be more involved patients themselves. 

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