Portrait of Damon Davis

Our Aging Population and Health Care: Perspectives on Health IT

Damon Davis | October 31, 2012

ONC recently had the opportunity to take part in one of the largest conferences for consumer organizations—AARP’s annual “Life @ 50+,” which hosted more than 20,000 twenty-thousand AARP members in New Orleans, LA.  As you may know, AARP represents one of the fastest growing demographics in America— our 50+ population. AARP helps people 50+ have independence, choice, and control of their lives in ways that are beneficial to themselves and society as a whole.
The convention center was packed with older adults from every corner of the country who traversed the halls to learn about myriad topics: travel and leisure;

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Portrait of Jesse C. James

Federal Agencies Share Resources and 2014 Clinical Quality Measures

Jesse C. James | October 26, 2012

CMS, ONC and other Federal agencies have been working to leverage emerging health information technology (health IT) in the Medicare and Medicaid programs to improve the quality of care that is available to their beneficiaries. In Meaningful Use Stage 2, a key component of this work is electronic reporting of quality data to CMS and the certification of electronic health record (EHR) technology to ensure the accurate capture, calculation, and reporting of electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs).

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Portrait of Ryan Panchadsaram

Can Graphic Designers Shape the Future of Health Care?

Ryan Panchadsaram | October 24, 2012

Today, when you print a medical record, it looks like a cash register receipt. The information is all there, but it is not especially patient-friendly. And if you have a complex health condition, the record can quickly become unwieldy. It’s better than carrying around paper records, for sure, but as patients and consumers, we really need a better user experience—all in an effort to help patients and their family members better manage their health care.

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Portrait of Kathryn Marchesini

Meaningful Choice: Patient-Centered Decision Making in Electronic Health Information Exchange

Kathryn Marchesini | October 3, 2012

Health Care Providers, Key Agents of Trust for Patients
A key purpose for developing a secure private computer network in the health care industry is establishing the capability for health care providers to access and share patient health information electronically and securely over the Internet to support patient care, often referred to as a health information exchange (HIE).

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