Portrait of Adam Wong

Winners of the Patient Safety Reporting System Challenge

Adam Wong | November 15, 2012

Over the past several weeks, many of us at the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), and Food and Drug Administration have been evaluating the submissions for the Reporting Patient Safety Events Challenge. KBCore of Houston was selected the winner of the challenge—and the recipient of the $50,000 prize—because the company’s patient safety reporting system best fit the criteria of the challenge to find and reduce the risks associated with patient care.

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Portrait of Jim Younkin

HIE Implementation Connects Long-Term and Post-Acute Care Facilities

Jim Younkin | November 13, 2012

The health information team at the Keystone Beacon Community has developed a new health information exchange (HIE) implementation tool that will allow any skilled nursing facility to share a patient’s information inexpensively and securely—with or without an electronic health record. Thanks to this innovative approach, previously inaccessible information collected by critical long-term and post- acute care facilities can be added to a patient’s health record, enabling the patient’s care team to work better together.

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Portrait of Deven McGraw , ,

Meeting Patient Engagement Objectives of Meaningful Use Stage 2: Credentialing Patients

Deven McGraw | November 8, 2012

**UPDATE** The Privacy and Security Tiger Team of the Health IT Policy Committee, and the Privacy and Security Working Group of the Health IT Standards Committee, will host a web hearing on credentialing patients on November 29, 2012 from 12pm to 4pm.
Giving patients access to their health information—and providing them with tools to electronically communicate with their clinical care team—is critical to making health care more patient-centered. 

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Portrait of Steven Posnack

Announcing the 2014 Meaningful Use Objectives Quick Reference Grids

Steven Posnack | November 6, 2012

Almost 2 years ago, ONC released meaningful use quick reference grids to capture—in one place—how meaningful use Stage 1 objectives and measures correlated with adopted 2011 Edition EHR certification criteria.  We’re pleased to announce the 2014 versions of these grids, which are back by popular demand, and posted on HealthIT.gov (look under the “ONC Resources” heading).

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Portrait of Erin Poetter Siminerio

Cancer Care Video Challenge: Tell Us What Online Cancer Resources You Use

Erin Poetter Siminerio | November 2, 2012

We want to hear from YOU about what online cancer resources, and other technology you’ve used to help you manage your cancer care and treatment or steps you might have taken to help you or your loved one better manage your or their health. Your stories have probably motivated those close to you and we want to make sure that they can help to inspire others to make the most of the information and tools available to make sure they get the best care—the care that is right for them.

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