Portrait of Kory Mertz ,

Georgia, Indiana, Montana and Nebraska Complete Consumer Innovation Challenge

Kory Mertz | March 29, 2013

In an effort to help consumers and patients get and use their own health information, the states of Georgia, Indiana, Montana and Nebraska took up an ONC challenge to implement innovative approaches to enable consumer-mediated exchange and open up patients’ access to their medical records.  Their innovative consumer engagement initiatives can be found at HealthIT.gov.

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Portrait of Emily Jones , ,

EHR Adoption Rates Increase with Aid from Local RECs

Emily Jones | March 21, 2013

Leaders, clinicians, and community board members of the nation’s Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are meeting in Washington this week to engage in collaborative learning and celebrate their journey towards meaningful use. They will also be comparing notes about what works, and what doesn’t in their adoption of health information technology. Specifically they will be discussing how EHR adoption rates have significantly increased when a health center engages a local Regional Extension Center (REC).

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