Portrait of Carol Bean

Better Health Info, Better Health: Announcing ONC’s Certified HIT Mark

Carol Bean | July 11, 2013

More and more Americans across the country are relying on their doctors and hospitals to provide them with top-quality health care. Health information technology (HIT) makes it possible for health care providers to better manage patient care with secure sharing of health information through technology like electronic health records (EHRs), helping to improve patient care.
ONC is at the forefront of this effort to modernize healthcare, supporting the adoption of certified HIT and the promotion of nationwide health information exchange to improve health care.

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Portrait of Leila Samy ,

Creative Solutions to Expand Iowa’s Rural Health IT Funding

Leila Samy | June 28, 2013

Earlier this month, the USDA Rural Development Iowa State Office, the Iowa Regional Health IT Extension Center (REC) and the Iowa State Office of Rural Health convened the first Iowa Rural Health IT Forum to launch a pilot project designed to expand funding for rural health IT infrastructure to support Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) and rural hospitals in Iowa. This workshop, planned to be held annually, targeted a group of Iowa CAHs and rural hospitals to help them coordinate funding and financing opportunities for rural health IT infrastructure that could help with the adoption of certified electronic health record (EHR) technology and associated system and facility improvements. 

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Portrait of Sheetal Shah

New York: A Look at One State’s Transformative Efforts to Combat the HIV/AIDS Epidemic while Leveraging Health Information Technology and Innovative Solutions

Sheetal Shah | June 27, 2013

To commemorate National HIV Testing Day on June 27th, we wanted to highlight the State of New York’s efforts to fight the HIV/AIDS epidemic when it first emerged, and to celebrate the new and innovative tools the state is exploring to prevent HIV and to test, diagnose, treat, and care for those living with the disease.
In 2010, under the National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States, the Obama Administration articulated a simple,

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Portrait of Rebecca Mitchell Coelius ,

Crowd-sourcing, Crowd-voting, and Co-designing with Patients

Rebecca Mitchell Coelius | June 12, 2013

Those of us in ONC’s Division of Science and Innovation are excited to announce the Blue Button Co-Design Challenge. We want to use this challenge to amplify the voices of patients and caregivers across the country with stories to tell and problems that can be solved by access to their clinical and financial health data. Our hope is that providers, data holders, and health IT entrepreneurs hear the message loud and clear; patients need access to this data,

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