Portrait of Catherine Strawley ,

Patient Preferences with Social Needs Information Sharing

Catherine Strawley | October 26, 2023

Screening for patients’ health-related social needs can help providers more effectively coordinate patient care and connect patients to the resources they need. Social needs are social conditions—such as food insecurity, housing instability, and lack of reliable transportation—which often result from underlying social determinants of health and can adversely affect health outcomes if left unaddressed. While studies show that patients are generally comfortable with social needs screening, little is known about patients’ comfort or preferences around how social needs data are captured and shared with other providers and service organizations to inform treatment and care coordination.

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Portrait of Catherine Strawley

Checking In on Hospital EHR APIs: Can Providers and Patients Access and Share Health Data via Apps?

Catherine Strawley | September 11, 2023

Thanks to a decade of effort, nearly every U.S. hospital today stores health data electronically. To put that data to work, however, clinicians and patients need to be able to access and appropriately share that data.
To implement the 21st Century Cures Act and help meet those needs, ONC’s Health IT Certification Program adopted new requirements and standards for application programming interfaces (APIs) that support the secure exchange of patient data between electronic health records (EHRs) apps.

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Portrait of Robert Anthony

Getting Ready for EHI Export: A Quick Guide

Robert Anthony | August 29, 2023

To export or not to export? That is the question.
All certified Health IT Modules that are part of a health IT product that stores electronic health information (EHI) are required to certify to the Electronic Health Information export criterion (45 CFR 170.315 (b)(10)) and make the functionality available to end users by December 31, 2023. As this deadline approaches, we thought it would be helpful to revisit the requirements of § 170.315(b)(10) and which product types are required to certify to this criterion.

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Portrait of Stephanie Garcia

Advancing Genomic Data-Sharing for Research and Patient Care: Sync for Genes Project Delivers Final Report and Toolkit

Stephanie Garcia | August 21, 2023

Genomic variations can affect a patient’s risk for cancer, response to medications, and numerous other vital health outcomes. In fact, nine of the ten leading causes of death in the U.S. are influenced by genomic factors. The need for systems that help clinicians integrate genomics into care decisions has grown in importance.  
Recognizing this need, in 2017 ONC launched Sync for Genes, a project that sought to advance standards and tools to effectively integrate genomic information into clinical workflows.

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