Portrait of Fadesola Adetosoye

Health IT: Supporting Us as Caregivers

Fadesola Adetosoye | November 15, 2013

Being a caregiver is hard, but health IT can help caregivers manage a loved one’s care. From tracking multiple medications to having all your health information in one place, health IT and new mobile technology are proving to be valuable resources to patients and people like me, those of us who take care of a loved one.

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Portrait of Jennifer Frazier

Health IT helping to fight the prescription drug abuse epidemic

Jennifer Frazier | November 14, 2013

Connecting for Impact: Integrating Health IT and PDMPs to improve patient care and fight the prescription drug abuse epidemic
ONC pilot projects prove that health IT can improve clinicians’ access to important clinical resources like Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs), which are data sources doctors and other providers can use to help fight the prescription drug abuse epidemic.

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Portrait of Julia Skapik

VSAC Value Set Authoring Tool Launches

Julia Skapik | November 7, 2013

The National Library of Medicine launched the Value Set Authority Center (VSAC) Authoring Tool on October 31, 2013. People can now apply for authoring and stewardship credentials and use new features that improve search, perform code validation, and provide added guidance for authors as part of the federal government’s ongoing efforts to improve the quality and utility of value sets and data elements.
Why create a new location for value set authoring?

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