Portrait of Kathy Kenyon

A Guide: How to Identify and Address Unsafe Conditions Associated with Health IT

Kathy Kenyon | December 5, 2013

When front line clinicians confront a clinical mishap or unsafe condition in EHR-enabled healthcare settings (such as a medication error or a missed diagnosis) they may not connect the clinical event with how EHR use could have helped prevent it, how misuse or failure to use EHR functionality as intended contributed to the problem, or how weaknesses in EHR configuration, interfaces, or usability contributed.

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Portrait of RADM Boris D. Lushniak

Thanksgiving: a time for family, a time for health and an IT tool that can help

RADM Boris D. Lushniak | November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving is a great time to learn more about our family’s health. That’s why I designated Thanksgiving as “Family Health History Day.”  The more you understand about your family health history, the more you and your health care provider can predict your risk for health problems and identify screening and treatment options that are best for you. And we have an electronic tool that can help you both.

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Portrait of Lisa-Nicole Sarnowski

ONC’s Fellows are using Health IT for better health, care and lower costs

Lisa-Nicole Sarnowski | November 25, 2013

The HIT Fellows use Health IT and delivery system models to achieve the three-part aim: better health, better health care and lower cost
We at ONC have worked with the Health IT Fellows for about six months and are beginning to see the group’s collective insights are helping doctors and patients move toward better health, better health care and lower cost.

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Portrait of Anand Parekh

Clinical-Community Linkages: A Step towards Better Health

Anand Parekh | November 21, 2013

As a practicing physician, I often counsel patients on the importance of healthy behaviors such as eating a nutritious diet, being physically active, and not smoking or abusing other substances. However, health education in the clinical setting is usually brief and of limited effectiveness – we have little means to reinforce our guidance in the patient’s day-to-day life.

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Portrait of Leila Samy

ONC and ORHP: Working to help rural health providers leverage health IT to improve quality and fuel economic development

Leila Samy | November 21, 2013

This is one in a series of blog posts to coincide with National Rural Health Day. To follow the conversation on Twitter, look for #RuralHealth.
Since the summer of 2010, ONC and HRSA’s Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP) have teamed up in support of rural health and rural economic development, with a focus on helping rural providers and hospitals leverage technology to optimize their communities’ health systems. Our goal is simple but not easy: improve care quality across the spectrum of care for rural communities.

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