Portrait of Mary Jo Deering

Advancing the use of patient-generated information to improve health and care

Mary Jo Deering | December 27, 2013

Providers base their care decisions on a wide variety of patient information, such as patient and family history, vital signs, reports of symptoms or response to treatment.  This information traditionally is created in a visit to a provider or laboratory, but there are increasing examples of information being created by the individual or caregiver outside the clinical setting and reported to the provider.  This information is known as patient-generated health-information (PGHI) or patient-generated health data (PGHD). 

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Portrait of Jodi G. Daniel

Continuing ONC’s non-regulatory approach to governance of the nationwide health information network

Jodi G. Daniel | December 19, 2013

Last year, in a blog post by former National Coordinator Farzad Mostashari, we announced a number of activities to promote a series of activities as part of a non-regulatory approach to governance of the nationwide health information network.   The activities were based on feedback and input we received from a wide range of stakeholders through a request for information on governance.  The public comments urged ONC not to issue regulations but to listen, learn,

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Portrait of Lee Stevens

ONC convenes stakeholders to discuss patient matching later in December

Lee Stevens | December 10, 2013

As organizations are sharing more and more health information electronically, the need for improved patient identification and matching across organizations has become clear. In September, we announced a dedicated initiative to assess what’s working well and where there are gaps, and to explore possible ways patient matching could be improved. Those initial findings from our current efforts will be discussed at a meeting here in Washington, D.C. on December 16, 2013.

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Portrait of Jacob Reider

Progress on Adoption of Electronic Health Records

Jacob Reider | December 6, 2013

New Data Shows Rapid Adoption of EHRs; Announcements of 2015 Policies
Since the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – which included the creation of the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs – was signed into law, the nation has seen unprecedented growth in the adoption and meaningful use of electronic health records (EHRs). Between 2009 and 2012, EHR adoption nearly doubled among physicians and more than tripled among hospitals. Every month, thousands of providers join the ranks of hospitals and professionals that have adopted or are meaningfully using EHRs.

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