Portrait of Erin Poetter Siminerio

New Year, New Coverage, New Possibilities

Erin Poetter Siminerio | January 10, 2014

For many of us, January is when we reflect on the past year, and think ahead to our hopes and goals for the year ahead. Every year, millions of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, and for many of us, that means resolving to improve our health. Ask your friends and family, and you’ll hear many of the same resolutions over and over again: eat better, get fitter, take better care of ourselves and our loved ones,

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Portrait of Dr. Michael Gilbert

How to Use a Patient Portal

Dr. Michael Gilbert | January 9, 2014

As more and more physicians’ offices and other providers begin to take the first step in setting up a patient portal, I thought it would be interesting to tell our story about how our office implemented and uses a portal. The lessons we learned may be helpful for you as Meaningful Use Stage 2 deadlines for patient portal use approach. And we would love to connect with others who have tackled and solved similar situations.

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