Meaningful Use

Portrait of Rebecca Mitchell Coelius

Crowd-sourcing, Crowd-voting, and Co-designing with Patients

Rebecca Mitchell Coelius | June 12, 2013

Those of us in ONC’s Division of Science and Innovation are excited to announce the Blue Button Co-Design Challenge. We want to use this challenge to amplify the voices of patients and caregivers across the country with stories to tell and problems that can be solved by access to their clinical and financial health data. Our hope is that providers, data holders, and health IT entrepreneurs hear the message loud and clear; patients need access to this data,

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Portrait of Lee Stevens

New Tips for Meeting the Stage 2 Meaningful Use Transition of Care Measure

Lee Stevens | May 10, 2013

Are you looking for more support on how to meet the transition of care measure that is required for Stage 2 Meaningful Use? ONC has just released a new brief that provides support.
This is a part of one of the ONC Health Information Exchange (HIE) team’s goals – to provide support and direction to grantees.  Recently, ONC released comprehensive interoperability training modules that are geared toward multiple stakeholder audiences and provide guidance from the elementary level to detailed technical guidance for experts involved in implementation. 

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