Carmen Smiley | October 1, 2019
As new public health crises emerge, health information technology (health IT) needs to evolve to enhance health care professionals’ ability to make informed clinical decisions, conduct reporting, and exchange health information.
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Don Rucker | September 26, 2019
National Health IT Week is the perfect time to reflect on our collective success since last year. The health information technology (health IT) landscape has dramatically evolved since the first National Health IT Week in 2006. Most provider offices and hospitals use electronic health records, their patients can now view their medical information online, and we see a new wave coming in the next few years powered by the app economy. This change will give consumers better and more convenient ways to manage their own health and shop for care.
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Steven Posnack | January 14, 2019
Get your 2019 off to a start with new and updated standards! Since the 2018 comment period on the Interoperability Standards Advisory (ISA) closed on October 1, we combed through all your comments and made improvements based on your suggestions.
If you’re new to the ISA, you will find it contains a variety of standards and implementation specifications curated by developers, standards gurus, and other stakeholders to meet interoperability needs (a term we use in the ISA to represent the purpose for use of standards or implementation specifications – similar to a use case) in healthcare.
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Chris Muir | January 9, 2019
The first in an occasional series of “Where are they now?” posts about past ONC Challenge winners
It’s been a little more than a year since the Docket app won the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT’s (ONC) Move Health Data Forward (MHDF) Challenge, focused on helping consumers consolidate and share their health data. At a recent check in with the Docket team, ONC learned that Docket is continuing to improve patient access by adding new functionality that will allow consumers to access their personal and family immunization records.
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Andrew Gettinger | November 28, 2018