Health Information Exchange

Portrait of Kory Mertz

Georgia, Indiana, Montana and Nebraska Complete Consumer Innovation Challenge

Kory Mertz | March 29, 2013

In an effort to help consumers and patients get and use their own health information, the states of Georgia, Indiana, Montana and Nebraska took up an ONC challenge to implement innovative approaches to enable consumer-mediated exchange and open up patients’ access to their medical records.  Their innovative consumer engagement initiatives can be found at

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Portrait of The Honorable Martin O'Malley

MD Governor: Maryland’s HIE is a Platform for Innovation

The Honorable Martin O'Malley | March 18, 2013

To support innovation and progress in health care, I have made the construction of a health IT infrastructure one of our state’s top strategic priorities. My administration has promoted Electronic Health Record (EHR) adoption and supported the construction of a Maryland HIE (health information exchange). Connecting these systems to a common platform is the key to significant progress.

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Portrait of Dr. Farzad Mostashari

Health IT: Charting the Course for 2013 to Harness Health IT to Bring Down Costs and Improve Quality in Health Care

Dr. Farzad Mostashari | March 6, 2013

Today HHS is announcing critical progress toward building the infrastructure needed for Health Information Technology (IT) systems to communicate seamlessly and securely.  This is crucial to our efforts to modernize our health care delivery system and will facilitate our efforts to bring down costs and improve care for patients.

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