Health Information Exchange

Portrait of Lee Stevens

New Tips for Meeting the Stage 2 Meaningful Use Transition of Care Measure

Lee Stevens | May 10, 2013

Are you looking for more support on how to meet the transition of care measure that is required for Stage 2 Meaningful Use? ONC has just released a new brief that provides support.
This is a part of one of the ONC Health Information Exchange (HIE) team’s goals – to provide support and direction to grantees.  Recently, ONC released comprehensive interoperability training modules that are geared toward multiple stakeholder audiences and provide guidance from the elementary level to detailed technical guidance for experts involved in implementation. 

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Portrait of Dr. Farzad Mostashari

Electronic Health Information Exchange Governance Framework Released

Dr. Farzad Mostashari | May 3, 2013

Last year, ONC issued a Request for Information (RFI) to gather public input on a potential regulatory approach that would have spelled out “conditions for trusted exchange” (safeguards, technical, and business practice) through rulemaking, and establish a voluntary accreditation and certification process for validating organizations as being legitimate participants in the Nationwide Health Information Network (NwHIN).

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Portrait of Erica Galvez

HIE Bright Spots: MRSA Prevention Through Care Coordination – Part 4

Erica Galvez | April 9, 2013

Over the last several weeks we have been following Larry (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), a patient with diabetes and a history of non-compliance.  Because Larry’s primary care providers either do not have EHRs or other care coordination tools or are unable to exchange information between one another, they do not know that he had been hospitalized and instructed to make important changes in his medications. 

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Portrait of Erica Galvez

HIE Bright Spots: Supporting Mental Health Care Coordination – Part 3

Erica Galvez | April 2, 2013

Last week we discussed the importance of health information exchange (HIE) and the work being done in Maryland to help make sure that providers receive important updates about patients. This week we want to share with our readers how HIE entities and automated, real time alerts can be critical in mental health care coordination for patients.

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