Health Data

Portrait of Meghan Gabriel

A Decade of Data Examined: The Evolution of Electronic Prescribing

Meghan Gabriel | July 15, 2024

The electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) landscape continues to evolve and many positive advances have been made over the past decade. This blog post showcases the rapid growth in e-prescribing, steps taken towards laying the essential groundwork for the current state of e-prescribing, and what remains to be accomplished. This post is our third in the “A Decade of Data Examined” blog series.

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Portrait of Wes Barker

New Data on Clinician Performance and Use of Certified Health IT for Promoting Interoperability

Wes Barker | August 1, 2023

New data for clinicians reporting for Promoting Interoperability in 2019, 2020, and 2021 and their use of certified health IT are now available on These represent an update to the data published through 2016 and representative of eligible professionals who participated in “Meaningful Use.” The data can be linked to the ONC Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL) and other HHS and industry health care datasets.
This data release is a long time coming.

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Portrait of Wei Chang

Hospitals Collect and Receive Social Needs Data, but Usage Varies

Wei Chang | July 31, 2023

If left unaddressed, the social needs experienced by an individual may lead to poor health outcomes and more time spent in hospitals and interacting with the health care system. Hospitals, therefore, are uniquely situated to help address social needs and mitigate social risk factors by screening for social needs, assisting with transitions of care, and making connections to social service organizations. According to a recent ONC analysis of data from the 2022 American Hospital Association (AHA) Information Technology Supplement Survey,

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Portrait of Jordan Everson

Updated Insights on Hospital Leaders’ Perceptions of Information Blocking

Jordan Everson | June 14, 2023

In a recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA), we leveraged data from the 2020 American Hospital Association (AHA) Information Technology Supplement gathered from April-June 2021, shortly after the initial applicability date of the information blocking regulations (April 5, 2021). We found that 42% of hospitals perceived that at least one type of information blocking “actor” (health care provider, health information network/health information exchange, or health IT developer of certified health IT) engaged in practices that may constitute information blocking.

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Portrait of Kathryn Marchesini

Increasing the Transparency and Trustworthiness of AI in Health Care

Kathryn Marchesini | April 13, 2023

This is part five of a blog series on predictive models, artificial intelligence (AI) & machine learning (ML) in health. We encourage readers to (re)visit the four previous blog posts for important context to what follows.
Through a series of blog posts over the last year, we’ve described our understanding of the current and potential uses of predictive models and machine learning algorithms in health care, and the role that ONC can play in shaping their development and use.

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