Electronic Health & Medical Records

Portrait of Dr. Farzad Mostashari

ONC Activities Support Governance of Nationwide Health Information Exchange

Dr. Farzad Mostashari | December 20, 2012

Earlier this year, ONC issued a request for information regarding a potential governance mechanism for the nationwide health information network.  Based on the comments and feedback we received from multiple stakeholders, ONC announced in September that we would not be issuing federal regulations. Instead, we committed to launch a range of activities to support existing governance initiatives and advance governance goals of nationwide health information exchange: increase interoperability, decrease the cost and complexity of exchange, and increase trust among participants to mobilize trusted exchange to support patient care. 

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Portrait of Dr. Farzad Mostashari

Enabling Trusted Exchange: Governing the Nationwide Health Information Network

Dr. Farzad Mostashari | September 7, 2012

An overarching goal for ONC is that information follows the patient where and when it is needed, across organizational, vendor, and geographic boundaries.  We believe that the current state of information exchange and care coordination is far from this ideal, and that in addition to technical challenges with interoperability, the absence of common “rules of the road” may be hindering the development of a trusted marketplace for information exchange services.

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Portrait of Liz Palena Hall

Identifying and Addressing Long-Term and Post-Acute Care Priorities

Liz Palena Hall | August 20, 2012

Today, ONC is posting the Long-Term and Post-Acute Care (LTPAC) Roundtable Summary Report of Findings [PDF – 352 KB], which reflects LTPAC stakeholder comments and recommendations from a day-long meeting held in May 2012. The roundtable was held to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss the information needs of LTPAC providers and how these needs could be supported through electronic health record (EHR) adoption and health information exchange.

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Portrait of Kate Tipping

Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care

Kate Tipping | July 26, 2012

Many people with behavioral health disorders are disproportionally impacted by chronic primary care conditions including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. Health IT and health information exchange can play a role in integrating behavioral health and primary care. However, for the most part, behavioral health providers and facilities do not meet the eligibility requirements for the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs established in the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

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Portrait of Lygeia Ricciardi

Informing National Priorities for Research on the Use of Health IT to Support Patient-Centered Communication and Care Coordination for Cancer

Lygeia Ricciardi | July 9, 2012

A diverse group of researchers, industry leaders, clinicians, and patient advocates gathered in Washington, D.C. on June 7, 2012 to provide input on a national research agenda for patient engagement using health information technology (health IT) to support patient-centered communication and care coordination for cancer.

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