EHR Case Studies

Portrait of Silvia Inéz Salazar

How Electronic Health Records Make a Difference in My Health and Health Care

Silvia Inéz Salazar | September 18, 2012

Graduating from UCLA was an accomplishment for me and my family. My Mamá and I emigrated from El Salvador to Los Angeles when I was five years old. Not only did my Mamá raise me, but she helped me pay for college by working as a housekeeper for Marion Ross, the actress who played Mrs. Cunningham for the popular TV comedy Happy Days. Suddenly, during my junior year, I began having difficulties concentrating in class.

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Portrait of Dr. Doug Fridsma

Model-Driven Health Tools (MDHT): The Release of MDHT 1.1 and the Improvements in Health IT

Dr. Doug Fridsma | August 24, 2012

In an April 2012 blog on Health IT Buzz, I highlighted the Model-Driven Health Tools (MDHT) project’s goals and development status. Since then, the MDHT project team has released MDHT Version 1.1 .
About MDHT
MDHT is an open source project run through the Standards and Interoperability Framework that aims to provide health IT standards developers and implementers a common modeling framework. It also provides the tools for the efficient and secure exchange of health information from one care provider to the next.

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Portrait of Elsie Hasting

Technology Is Keeping Track of More Than Just Scores at the London 2012 Olympic Games

Elsie Hasting | July 31, 2012

Electronic Health Records: Helping Team USA and YOU Achieve Better Health and Care
Today, technology is tracking more than just scores, stats, and outcomes of competitions at the London 2012 Olympics. For the first time in history, our Olympic athletes, their doctors, and trainers will use electronic health records to track, treat, and transform the health of Team USA.
As a sports and health advocate, a current ONCer, and a former member of the staff at the Atlanta 1996 and Sydney 2000 Olympic Games,

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Portrait of Dr. Farzad Mostashari

Physicians’ Experiences with EHR Adoption is Largely Positive

Dr. Farzad Mostashari | July 17, 2012

Last November, we released data from the 2011 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) of office-based providers, finding that 57 percent had adopted an electronic health record (EHR), and 34 percent met all criteria for “basic EHR use” (patient history and demographics, patient problem list, physician clinical notes, comprehensive list of patient’s medications and allergies, computerized orders for prescriptions, and ability to view laboratory and imaging results electronically). 

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Portrait of Brett Andriesen

Bright Spots of the Direct Project Adoption

Brett Andriesen | June 18, 2012

Reflect for a moment on the last time your doctor referred you to a specialist. When you arrived, did the specialist say, “Sorry, I did not get your paperwork, can you tell me why you are you here?” Wouldn’t it be great if your specialist already had the health information she needed before you arrived, so you did not have to remember your medications, previous tests, and diagnoses? 

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