EHR Case Studies

Portrait of Emily Jones

EHR Adoption Rates Increase with Aid from Local RECs

Emily Jones | March 21, 2013

Leaders, clinicians, and community board members of the nation’s Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are meeting in Washington this week to engage in collaborative learning and celebrate their journey towards meaningful use. They will also be comparing notes about what works, and what doesn’t in their adoption of health information technology. Specifically they will be discussing how EHR adoption rates have significantly increased when a health center engages a local Regional Extension Center (REC).

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Portrait of Brett Coughlin

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy: Health IT 1, Paper Records 0

Brett Coughlin | November 21, 2012

“When the levee breaks I’ll have no place to stay.” Led Zeppelin
Many people in New York and New Jersey have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Maybe you saw the report about 62-year-old Staten Island grandmother Phyllis Puglia, whose home was leveled by Hurricane Sandy but was able to begin to rebuild her life after the disaster.

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Portrait of Lee Stevens

Disaster Preparedness and Health Information Exchange

Lee Stevens | September 24, 2012

Last month, we watched with great concern as Hurricane Isaac approached the Louisiana coast. By an almost unbelievable coincidence, it was raging toward New Orleans and expected to hit on the exact day of the 7th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the precedent-setting natural disaster of our time. While there was much confidence in new levees and improvement to infrastructure, we were once again reminded that man cannot battle nature, we can only prepare.

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