Beacon Communities

Portrait of Aaron McKethan

Two New ONC Beacon Communities Join the Family

Aaron McKethan | September 2, 2010

The Beacon Community program seeks to demonstrate how health IT-enabled improvements in health care quality, efficiency, and population health are possible, sustainable, and replicable in diverse communities across America. The program includes average three-year awards of $15 million to diverse communities with above-average electronic health record adoption rates and, in most cases, experience with information exchange. Collaborations of leaders from each of the 15 Beacon Communities that were awarded back in May have been busy operationalizing and implementing their health IT-enabled innovations that can support new ways of coordinating and streamlining health care and,

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Portrait of Dr. David Blumenthal

ONC Beacon Communities: A Proving Ground for Health IT and EHRs

Dr. David Blumenthal | December 2, 2009

As a physician, I’m trained to rely on proven methods and seek evidence that new approaches to care will lead to better outcomes.  The new Beacon Community Program, announced today and funded at the level of $235 million through the HITECH Act, is designed with that approach in mind.  This program aims to further strengthen advanced health information exchange capabilities established within 15 diverse communities throughout the United States.

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