
Teresa Zayas Cabán, PhD

Portrait of Teresa Zayas Cabán, PhD

Teresa Zayas Cabán, PhD's Latest Blog Posts

Accelerating Precision in Public Health Surveillance and Response

Teresa Zayas Cabán, PhD | June 10, 2020

When our communities face a health crisis, the research, clinical, and public health worlds come together and collaborate. Public health programs drive toward prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the population, but they need the support and guidance of data-driven research behind them every step of the way. While most of the data needed to accelerate research, and clinical and public health delivery come from traditional sources—such as clinical encounters and lab tests—data feeds from nontraditional sources ,

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Empowering Patients to Advance Precision Medicine, One EHR at a Time

Teresa Zayas Cabán, PhD | May 18, 2020

Electronic health record (EHR) systems store incredibly rich data about individual patients, but historically, individuals have been unable to access this information easily and share it for research. However, use of patients’ data could accelerate scientific discovery and progress toward precision medicine. Permitting patients to connect and share their data with researchers—while maintaining the security and privacy of those data—is just one of the many benefits to the research community of the ONC‘s Cures Act Final Rule released in March 2020.

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Mapping the Path Forward in Health IT

Teresa Zayas Cabán, PhD | May 7, 2020

This year, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has released three strategic documents that will help set a path forward for health IT. The 2020-2025 Federal Health IT Strategic Plan, the Strategy on Reducing Regulatory and Administrative Burden Relating to the Use of Health IT and EHRs, and the National Health IT Priorities for Research: A Policy and Development Agenda are united in the aim to improve health,

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Clinical Genomics Data for Precision Medicine

Teresa Zayas Cabán, PhD | April 22, 2020

Genomic data—information about the complete set of genes that make up each individual—have the potential to revolutionize healthcare and usher in a new era of precision medicine and scientific discovery. However, there is currently no standard way of presenting genomic data, and the standards for integrating those data with electronic health record (EHR) and other health information technology (IT) systems remain under development.

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