
Lisa-Nicole Sarnowski

Portrait of Lisa-Nicole Sarnowski

Lisa-Nicole Sarnowski has been with ONC for over six years, currently serving as Senior Advisor within the Office of Programs & Engagement (OPro). OPro is responsible for implementing and overseeing grant programs and other initiatives that advance the nation toward meaningful use of interoperable health information technology in support of providers and patients adapting to a changing healthcare landscape. Ms. Sarnowski serves as a technical, policy, and operational advisor in various initiatives and programs, recently focusing on the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). She is interested in learning more on how the community is using technology to make providers' lives and the provision of patient care more rewarding and enabling them to participate in advanced models of care.

Lisa-Nicole Sarnowski's Latest Blog Posts

Helping Hypertensive Patients with Tax Day Stress and Everyday Care

Lisa-Nicole Sarnowski | April 12, 2013

Are you experiencing tax stress with tax day looming?  As you know, for some patients, stress, along with other contributing factors like genetics, obesity, smoking, and diet, is one of the contributing factors towards high blood pressure (HBP), also known as hypertension.
Hypertension is a serious condition that can lead to coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, and other health problems,[i] but because many of these factors go hand-in-hand, it can be better managed through the use of electronic health records (EHRs).

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Using Information about Challenges to EHR Adoption and Meaningful Use to Find Global Solutions

Lisa-Nicole Sarnowski | October 2, 2012

In November 2011, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) began working with the nation’s 62 Regional Extension Centers (RECs) to create a comprehensive dataset of challenges that providers are experiencing in the journey toward electronic health record (EHR) adoption and meaningful use.

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ONC’s Regional Extension Centers Sign Up 100,000 Primary Care Providers

Lisa-Nicole Sarnowski | November 17, 2011

Today, we’d like to acknowledge an important milestone in our journey toward national electronic health record (EHR) adoption: ONC’s Regional Extension Centers (RECs) have signed up more than 100,000 primary care providers! This means that roughly one third of the nation’s primary care providers have committed to meaningfully using EHRs by partnering with their local REC. Momentum is building!

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