
Erica Galvez

Portrait of Erica Galvez

Erica Galvez's Latest Blog Posts

Extending the Value of the Direct Project in Arkansas

Erica Galvez | September 27, 2012

Arkansas is rapidly becoming a leader in health information exchange. Since launching their statewide secure messaging tool (SHARE) in January 2012, Arkansas’s Office of Health Information Technology (OHIT) has registered more than 2,100 clinical and administrative staff to use it, with another 3,000 in queue to be fully on-boarded. SHARE uses the national standard for secure health information transport developed by ONC’s Direct Project. For a rural state that started their State HIE Cooperative Agreement with no existing exchange infrastructure and limited electronic health record (EHR) adoption,

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E-Prescribing Adoption: A Prescription for Progress

Erica Galvez | May 11, 2012

Think about the last time you were prescribed a medication. Did your doctor fill out a prescription on a paper pad and instruct you to get the medication filled at your local pharmacy? If not, chances are that he or she electronically routed the prescription to your pharmacy. This process—called electronic prescribing or “e-prescribing”—is helping prescribers and pharmacists make better clinical decisions, improve workflow, reduce costs, and ultimately enhance patient care.

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