
Don Rucker

Portrait of Don Rucker

Don Rucker, M.D.
Former National Coordinator for Health Information Technology

Dr. Don Rucker previously served as the national coordinator for health information technology. He previously worked as a clinical professor of emergency medicine and biomedical informatics at the Ohio State University and Premise Health, a worksite clinic provider, where he served as chief medical officer.

Dr. Rucker started his informatics career at Datamedic Corporation where he co-developed the world's first Microsoft Windows based electronic medical record. He then served as chief medical officer at Siemens Healthcare USA. Dr. Rucker led the team that designed the computerized provider order entry workflow that, as installed at Cincinnati Children's Hospital, won the 2003 HIMSS Nicholas Davies Award for the best hospital computer system in the U.S. Dr. Rucker has served on the board of commissioners of the Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology and Medicare's Evidence Development and Coverage Advisory Committee (MEDCAC) and has extensive policy experience representing healthcare innovations before Congress, MedPAC and HHS.

He has practiced emergency medicine for a variety of organizations including at Kaiser in California; at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, where he was the first full-time emergency department attending; at the University of Pennsylvania's Penn Presbyterian and Pennsylvania Hospitals; and most recently at Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center.

Dr. Rucker is a graduate of Harvard College and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine with board certifications in emergency medicine, internal medicine and clinical informatics. He holds a Master’s degree in medical computer science and a Master of Business Administration, both from Stanford.

Don Rucker's Latest Blog Posts

Coming to ONC – One Informaticist’s Journey

Don Rucker | June 15, 2017

EMRs, EHRs, and Medical Computing
These are exciting times for the software industry, with extraordinary new products and services on devices from phones and tablets to their backend enterprise servers. We need this dynamism in software development to provide increased interoperability and usability to patients and clinicians.

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