2010 Posts


ONC Communications Team | February 27, 2010

Health IT professionals from around the country will be convening in Atlanta at the beginning of March for the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society’s (HIMSS) Annual Conference. HIMSS will provide a unique opportunity for ONC to speak to, learn from and interact with 27,000 leaders in the health IT field. This year’s theme — change is everywhere, opportunity is here — aptly sets the tone for ONC’s participation and related presentations that will highlight the administration’s efforts to support the adoption of health IT and the promotion of secure,

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Regional Extension Centers Are Enabling Meaningful Use for All

Joshua Seidman | February 18, 2010

A common concern about health information technology (health IT) adoption is that it may not be feasible for small practices and those serving safety-net populations. Due to economies of scale, implementation and meaningful use of health IT is far less daunting for larger, commercial health care organizations. Even so, some small practices and community health centers around the country are actively defying that statement.

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EHR Adoption Grants Awarded

Dr. David Blumenthal | February 12, 2010

Today Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced the awarding of nearly $800 million in grants to help states and health care providers advance the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology. Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, $386 million will promote health information exchange  at the state level, while $375 million will support the development of regional extension centers (RECs) that will aid health professionals as they work to implement and use health information technology (health IT). 

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