2010 Posts

Health IT workforce training connects ONC to Nobel Prize

Aaron Schwartz | October 22, 2010

Last week, the Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded to Peter Diamond, Dale Mortenson, and Christopher Pissarides, whose work addressed questions about how unemployed workers find jobs and what role economic policy plays in unemployment. The Recovery Act, of which HITECH is a part, was designed to boost employment and make infrastructure investments that would pay off for the country over the long term. At ONC we’ve focused heavily on the pay-offs to investment in health IT in the forms of better quality and efficiency in care delivery.

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Health IT Research – New Innovation Communities

Wil Yu | October 5, 2010

As the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) carries out its mission toward a goal of nationwide achievement of meaningful use, I am mindful that we are also working toward a greater vision of improved individual and population health outcomes – a vision of a high performance learning health care system that leverages health information and technology, while protecting privacy and confidentiality, and encourages an infrastructure for robust care delivery and technology innovation.   

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