EHI Sharing Workshop

Thursday, August 4th: 1:00pm – 5:00pm EST

The EHI Sharing Workshop has reached capacity and registration is closed. Please stay tuned for more EHI Sharing discussion opportunities. Join ONC for a healthcare provider-focused listening session and guided discussion on opportunities and challenges related to sharing Electronic Health Information (EHI). During this workshop, participants will explore approaches and lessons learned related to sharing whatever EHI is needed, when and where it is needed, within the context of applicable laws.

Sharing electronic health information (EHI) when and where it is needed, while honoring patients’ privacy rights and preferences, requires thoughtful implementation of health IT-supported workflows and processes. This listening session and guided discussion will look at technical opportunities and challenges related to sharing Electronic Health Information (EHI) from health care providers’ perspectives. During this workshop, participants will explore technical approaches and implementation lessons learned by health care providers who are sharing a wide range of EHI when and where it is needed, within the context of applicable laws.



1:00 p.m. - 1:20 p.m.


1:20 p.m. - 2:20 p.m.

Topic Group 1  

Discussion questions for topic group 1:

  • How have you adjusted workflows, processes, and procedures to promote/enable the technical capability/functional sharing, access, exchange, and use of electronic health information (EHI)?  

  • What strategies/measures have worked well to facilitate electronic sharing of EHI from various source systems?  

  • What are your top-of-mind technical challenges related to the sharing of EHI? How might your health IT partner work together with you to address those challenges? 

  • Are there particular types or sub-categories of EHI (e.g., image files) that present a particular challenge to share electronically with another health care provider? 

  • Have you previously participated in other health information sharing initiatives such as Open Notes? If so, how has your participation in those initiatives informed your approach to sharing EHI? 

2:20 p.m. - 2:35 p.m.


2:35 p.m. - 3:35 p.m.

Topic Group 2  

Discussion questions for topic group 2:

  • How do health care providers approach discussions with patients on how their EHI can be shared, what EHI will be shared in certain situations, and how one’s technical capabilities may affect how/what EHI is shared?  

  • How do health care providers take patient preferences, patients’ care plans, and third parties’ requests for EHI into account for EHI-sharing workflows? 

  • How has sharing of EHI affected patients’ understanding of and access to information relevant to their care, as well as the relationships between patients, health care providers, and other members of the care team? 

3:35 p.m. - 3:50 p.m.


3:50 p.m. - 4:50 p.m.

Topic Group 3  

Discussion questions for topic group 3:

  • On and after October 6, 2022, EHI for information blocking purposes will no longer be limited to data elements represented in USCDI v1. How are you preparing for that transition? What measures have you taken to increase your readiness for the transition, and where are your remaining areas of improvement/focus areas/pain points? 

  • What questions would you ask/what are you most interested to learn from your colleagues in other institutions about their approach to using certified health IT to enable the sharing of EHI? 

  • In what areas do you/your organization hope to make the most improvements related to sharing EHI in the next 5 years? How do you/your organization aim to facilitate those improvements? 

  • What future initiatives related to sharing EHI are you most interested in/excited about? 

4:50 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
